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Hello and Welcome

Good day or evening. Welcome to YUHDW. My name is Chell and today I'll tell you what this site is about and it's purpose. First off, I'm sorry that the site's address isn't shorter. This site and my personal one are connected. When I get the chance to, the domain name will be shorter.

The three icons on the top are the ones I've chosen from Wix's free clip-art, because they are perfect for what this site is trying to represent. The two person icon will stand for all races, ages, genders, beliefs (which includes Atheists too), et cetera are welcomed here. The three person icon will stand for connecting with others and standing together to help improve the world and lives in a beneficial, benevolent way. The last icon will stand for acceptance, understanding, and tolerance.


*The official logo is coming soon.



To help others get more recognized, help find something that's helpful, and to show how everyone can be inspiring and how they can change the world in a better, positive, brighter way. The other re


How It Came About:

* Not everyone is able to get recognized and there are things and people that I've found that should be shared with the world. These are stars that I want to help get brighter and help those who are looking for guidence and make a big impact that'll encourage them to find thier inner bright light that'll luminate the world.

* I wanted to help others. For example, I found websites that were useful for many different projects, which was kind of a hassle when I was searching the internet. So, I made a list of sites that were useful and doesn't have problems with files or pages. Some do have an occasional bug, a corrupted file or page, etc., but it's somewhat rare. Always be cautious for every website obviously. Now, I know the website doesn't look like much, but give it time.

* I was inspired by how many wonderful people and things there are in this world. They have dones things in their own way to better the world that has quite a bit of  darkness in it.


Note: I don't always do follow for follow, subscribe for subscribe, etc. Sorry, but that's how I am.


Site Map


1. Home - You are here. This page offers a site map, an introduction, and how to contact this website. 


2. Education/Awareness/Charity - Links to websites that might be useful for students or anyone willing to learn. Also, links to help you be aware of some problems in the world.

* Videos/Banners/Pictures - Self-explanatory.


3. Website - This page has videos, pitures, and banners. Links are on subpages.

* Personal or Link To - Links to other people's website(s) or personal link(s).

* Webhosting - Webhosting Services.

* Social - The most popular, well-known, commonly used websites used for socializing with others.

* Official - Official website(s) that a person or company created and/or owns.

* Project - Websites that are a good place to start or fund a project.

* Fan - Fan websites. They can range anywhere from cosplay to an unofficial fan website of their favorite video game, show, video, etc.

* Youtube and Related - Any link having to do with online videos made by awesome people.


4. Miscellaneous - Random websites that I've heard of or stumbled upon and aren't in any catagory.


5. Martial Arts/Related - Love learning about Martial Arts or just want to be inspired to give it your all? Check out these links today.


6. Converters - Websites that can convert files online.


7. Edit Programs - Has example videos and pictures.

* Video - Websites that are useful for editing videos.

* Picture - Websites that are useful for editing pictures.

* Video Game Level Editor and Media - Programs that are useful for making video games, e.g, TRLE or NGLE or media for other video game level editors.


8. Media -

* Multimedia - Websites that deal with all types of media.

* Pictures/Videos - Websites that have gifs, textures, or has stock videos.

* Sounds/Music - Websites that have sounds and or music. I used them a few times before.


9. Reading/Writing - Do you want to be or are you a writer and/or reader? Checks these links out.


* Note that each link opens in a new window or at least, supposed to. If you have popups blocked, the button may not work well. If you run into that problem, just right click and view it in another tab or window. Links are subject to change without warning. More links will be added over time. This website is fairly new. If you have questions, comments, suggestions, suggested links or encounter a problem or two, feel free to use the contact form below and I'll get to you as soon as possible. Links to anything having to do with porn, harmful websites, and sites with bots, malware, viruses, and so on are NOT allowed.

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